Private Tutoring
Canadian Teachers
Proven Results
Customized Classes with Canadian Teachers
Get the band scores you need. Without the drama.
Our personalized study plans and professional team will prepare you for your CELPIP exam as quickly as possible
Find out how to impress your examiner step-by-step from our exclusive lesson material
created by our team of examiners
Get your endless questions answered with our detailed feedback and corrections
Learn faster with personalized classes designed according to your needs and objectives
Improve your pronunciation by getting one-on-one corrections from our team of
Canadian exam experts
Beat your test anxiety! Get the emotional support you need to face your exam confidently
One Tutoring Session
1-hour sessions via Skype
One-Hour Training
with Maria
Need to improve your CELPIP band score?
Speaking or Writing Booster
6-class package
1-hour sessions via Skype or Google Meet
Didn’t get the CLB 9 you needed? Trust our personalized feedback to boost your score.
(Package can be personalized to meet your needs)
Exam PRO
10-class package
1-hour sessions via Skype or Google Meet
Get personalized feedback on your WRITING and SPEAKING exams.
(Package can be personalized to meet your needs)
Project Canada
12-class package
1-hour sessions via Skype or Google Meet
Achieve your desired band scores on all 4 exam sections
(Package can be personalized to meet your needs)
Do you have questions before booking?
Beat the TIMER on your CELPIP speaking test 🕗
It’s just you, a computer, and a timer. Just kidding! The CELPIP speaking test doesn’t have to be so scary!
Find out exactly which band scores you need on your IELTS or CELPIP test
Your immigration consultant said something about a 9…or wait…was it a 7? Yes that, no wait 🤔, it was a
THIS is how you learn English from a podcast
“How can I improve my English?” Improving your English has to be FUN! And one of the best ways to
We’ve helped hundreds of students finally get the band scores they need. Hear from some of our success stories.
Why studying with ENGLISH FOR CANADA is worth it
Taking the CELPIP exam doesn’t have to be such a stressful and expensive experience, but most students get lost studying by themselves or getting the wrong advice.
Our team of professional Canadian teachers has years of experience working as exam specialists. We can quickly identify what you need to work on so you can boost your band
Getting personalized support from a true CELPIP professional means you’ll get the answers you’re looking for.
Our comfortable and welcoming learning environment will also help you feel much more confident and relaxed. Having a coach by your side will set you up for success.