The Pros & Cons of the IELTS Test

The Pros & Cons of the IELTS Test

Don’t underestimate the IELTS test, but don’t be scared of it either. When it comes to choosing the right test for you, it’s worth it to consider the pros and cons of each test. Many people struggle to choose between the IELTS and the CELPIP test, and both tests come with their own set of […]

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IELTS Project Canada

PTE Project Canada

12-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 780
CAD$ 609





  • Discover the 7 question types you’ll find across the 7 PTE Core listening tasks
  • Learn our top listening tips for each listening task
  • Find out how each listening task is scored (you’ll be surprised!)
  • Gain access to our exclusive presentations, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material
  • Discover our top tips for each of the 5 reading tasks
  • See each tip in action with clear test examples
  • Gain access to our exclusive presentations, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material
  • Discover the PTE Core Test’s scoring categories and how to write your responses accordingly
  • Learn the importance of form and content on your writing test (you’ll score a zero without knowing this!)
  • Improve your overall English and your test score with our grammar lessons
  • Get personalized feedback and corrections on your responses based on the PTE Core scoring guide
  • Gain access to our exclusive presentations, sample responses, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material.
  • Master all 5 speaking tasks with our PTE Core test strategies
  • Discover the PTE Core Test’s scoring categories and learn how to respond
  • Improve your pronunciation by practising with a Canadian teacher
  • Get personalized feedback and corrections on your responses based on the PTE Core scoring guide
  • Gain access to our exclusive presentations, sample responses, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material.
Writing Booster

PTE Prep Pro

10-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 650
CAD$ 535



  • Discover the PTE Core Test’s scoring categories and how to write your responses
  • Learn the importance of form and content on your writing test (you’ll score a zero without knowing this!)
  • Improve your overall English and your test score with our grammar lessons
  • Get personalized feedback and corrections on your responses based on the PTE Core scoring guide
  • Gain access to our exclusive presentations, sample responses, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material.
  • Master all 5 speaking tasks with our PTE Core test strategies
  •  Discover the PTE Core Test’s scoring categories and learn how to respond
  • Improve your pronunciation by practising with a Canadian teacher
  • Get personalized feedback and corrections on your responses based on the PTE Core scoring guide
  •  Gain access to our exclusive presentations, sample responses, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material.
Writing Booster

Speaking or Writing Booster

6-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 390
CAD$ 350



  • Discover the PTE Core Test’s scoring categories and how to write your responses accordingly
  • Learn the importance of form and content on your writing test (you’ll score a zero without knowing this!)
  • Improve your overall English and your test score with our grammar lessons
  • Get personalized feedback and corrections on your responses based on the PTE Core scoring guide
  • Gain access to our exclusive presentations, sample responses, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material.
  • Master all 5 speaking tasks with our PTE Core test strategies
  • Discover the PTE Core Test’s scoring categories and learn how to respond
  • Improve your pronunciation by practising with a Canadian teacher
  • Get personalized feedback and corrections on your responses based on the PTE Core scoring guide
  • Gain access to our exclusive presentations, sample responses, 1 offline practice test, and lesson material.
Personalized Consultation

One Hour of PTE Prep

1-hour sessions via Skype or Google Meet

CAD$ 65





Who is Maria?

Maria is the Founder of English for Canada. She’s a native Canadian English teacher
with over 15 years of experience teaching English and testing candidates for numerous
English proficiency exams

What are Maria’s classes like?
  • Get your questions and doubts answered once and for all with an experienced Canadian teacher and examiner
  • If you can’t figure out why you’re not getting the CLB 9 you need, Maria will quickly identify exactly what you need to do.
  • Maria’s personalized feedback and corrections are based on the official PTE Core scoring guide
  • Gain access to our exclusive learning material created by Maria that go over our
    test strategies for the PTE Core test
  • Get CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) assessments on your responses
Writing Booster

Personalized Package

Pick a 6/10/12 class package and we’ll customize your package to meet your needs.
Once you’ve booked your classes, we’ll discuss your goals via email to get started.

IELTS Project Canada

Project Canada

12-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 780
CAD$ 609





listening (optional)
  • Discover the different question types on the exam
  • Learn our top listening tips and strategies
reading (optional)
  • Find out our 3-step reading strategy designed to save you time
  • Discover the different question types on the exam
  • Learn common traps 
  • Study from our complete set of CLB 9+ sample writing responses (surveys and letters)
  • Learn our easy-to-follow survey and letter recipes
  • Find out how to plan your responses in 5 easy steps
  • Finally understand the CELPIP assessment criteria with our personalized feedback and corrections
  • Get detailed and personalized corrections on 1 writing assignment per class *feedback is given LIVE in class so you can ask questions
  • Find out why you aren’t getting the results you need with personalized feedback & corrections from a certified Canadian exam specialist
  • Discover the examiner assessment criteria so you can pass your next test
  • Improve your pronunciation with one-on-one attention from a Canadian English teacher
  • Gain access to sample questions and answers, videos, and vocabulary building activities
Exam Pro

Exam PRO

10-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 650
CAD$ 535



  • Study from our complete set of CLB 9+ sample writing responses (surveys and letters)
  • Learn our easy-to-follow survey and letter recipes 
  • Find out how to plan your responses in 5 easy steps
  • Finally understand the CELPIP assessment criteria with our personalized feedback and corrections
  • Get detailed and personalized corrections on 1 writing assignment per class *feedback is given LIVE in class so you can ask questions
  • Find out why you aren’t getting the results you need with personalized feedback & corrections from a certified Canadian exam specialist
  • Discover how a CELPIP test rater thinks so you can pass your next test
  • Improve your pronunciation with one-on-one attention from a Canadian English teacher
  • Gain access to sample questions and answers, videos, and vocabulary building activities
Writing Booster

Speaking or Writing Booster

6-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 390
CAD$ 350



  • Study from our complete set of CLB 9+ sample writing responses (surveys and letters)
  • Learn our easy-to-follow survey and letter recipes 
  • Find out how to plan your responses in 5 easy steps
  • Finally understand the CELPIP assessment criteria with our personalized feedback and corrections
  • Discover the different types of CELPIP Writing test questions that you have to know
  • Get detailed and personalized corrections on 1 writing assignment per class *feedback is given LIVE in class so you can ask questions
  • Find out why you aren’t getting the results you need with personalized feedback & corrections from a certified Canadian exam specialist
  • Discover how a CELPIP test rater thinks so you can pass your next test
  • Improve your pronunciation with one-on-one attention from a Canadian English teacher
  • Gain access to sample questions and answers, videos, and vocabulary building activities
Personalized Consultation

One-Hour Training
with Maria

CAD$ 95



Who is Maria?

Maria is the Founder of English for Canada. She’s a native Canadian English teacher with over 15 years of experience teaching English and testing candidates for numerous English
proficiency exams

What are Maria’s classes like?
  • Get your questions and doubts answered once and for all with an experienced Canadian teacher and examiner
  • If you can’t figure out why you’re not getting the band scores you need, Maria will quickly identify exactly what you need to do.
  • Find out how to boost your Speaking and Writing band scores with Maria’s personalized feedback and corrections based on the official examiner assessment criteria
  • Gain access to our exclusive bank of sample responses for the Speaking and/or Writing tests
  • Get real band score and CLB assessments on your responses
Customized English Classes

One Tutoring Session

1-hour sessions ia Skype

CAD$ 65

In one session via Skype, you can pick the exam section that you need the most help with before your next test.

*Kindly note that our discounted rates start at our 6-class package

Writing Booster

Personalized Package

Pick a 6/10/12 class package and we’ll customize your package to meet your needs.
Once you’ve booked your classes, we’ll discuss your goals via email to get started.

IELTS Project Canada

Project Canada

12-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 780
CAD$ 609





  • Find out the top 10 question types on the exam
  • Learn our top listening tips and strategies
  • Gain access to official practice tests
  • Find out our 3-step reading strategy designed to save you time
  • Discover the different question types on the exam
  • Learn the common traps 
  • Study from our complete set of Band 7+ sample essays written by our IELTS examiners
  • Learn our examiner-approved essay recipe
  • Find out how to plan your essay in 5 easy steps
  • Finally understand how an IELTS examiner will be assessing you
  • Discover the different types of IELTS essay questions you have to be prepared for
  • Get detailed and personalized corrections on 1 essay per class *feedback is given LIVE in class so you can ask questions
  • Find out why you aren’t getting the results you need with personalized feedback & corrections from a certified Canadian IELTS specialist
  • Improve your pronunciation with one-on-one attention from a Canadian English teacher
  • Gain access to sample questions and answers, videos, and vocabulary building
Exam Pro

Exam PRO

10-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 650
CAD$ 535



  • Study from our complete set of Band 7+ sample essays written by our IELTS examiners
  • Learn our easy-to-follow essay recipe 
  • Find out how to plan your essay in 5 easy steps
  • Finally understand how an IELTS examiner will be assessing you
  • Discover the different types of IELTS essay questions you have to be prepared for
  • Get detailed and personalized corrections on 1 essay per class *feedback is given LIVE in class so you can ask questions
  • Find out why you aren’t getting the results you need with personalized feedback & corrections from a certified Canadian IELTS specialist
  • Improve your pronunciation with one-on-one attention from a Canadian English teacher
  • Gain access to sample questions and answers, videos, and vocabulary building activities
Writing Booster

Speaking or Writing Booster

6-class package
1-hour sessions

CAD$ 390
CAD$ 350
  • Study from our complete set of Band 7+ sample essays written by our IELTS examiners
  • Learn our easy-to-follow essay recipe
  • Find out how to plan your essay in 5 easy steps
  • Finally understand how an IELTS examiner will be assessing you
  • Discover the different types of IELTS essay questions you have to be prepared for
  • Get detailed and personalized corrections on 1 essay per class *feedback is given LIVE in class so you can ask questions
  • Find out why you aren’t getting the results you need with personalized feedback & corrections from a certified Canadian IELTS specialist
  •  Improve your pronunciation with one-on-one attention from a Canadian English teacher
  •  Gain access to sample questions and answers, videos, and vocabulary building activities
Personalized Consultation

One-Hour Training
with Maria

CAD$ 95



Who is Maria?

Maria is the Founder of English for Canada. She’s a native Canadian English teacher with over 15 years of experience teaching English and testing candidates for numerous English proficiency exams

What are Maria’s classes like?
  • Get your questions and doubts answered once and for all with an experienced Canadian teacher and examiner
  •  If you can’t figure out why you’re not getting the band scores you need, Maria will quickly identify exactly what you need to do.
  •  Find out how to boost your Speaking and Writing band scores with Maria’s personalized feedback and corrections based on the official examiner assessment criteria
  •  Gain access to our exclusive bank of sample responses for the Speaking and/or Writing tests
  •  Get real band score and CLB assessments on your responses
Customized English Classes

One Tutoring Session

1-hour sessions via Skype

CAD$ 65

In one session via Skype, you can pick the exam section that you need the most help with before your next test.

*Kindly note that our discounted rates start at our 6-class package

Our Mission

Helping students discover the English version of themselves.

We want you to feel confident speaking in English so you land that new job, make new friends, and settle into your new life in Canada.

We believe that learning a language is an emotional journey.

That’s why we’ll be by your side with endless and friendly support.

Once speaking in English is fun for you, you’ll relax, let go, and actually notice improvement in your fluency.

Because we want you to BE YOU, but in English!

Our Values

Our English for Canada team is 100% Canadian. We represent and support the diversity and inclusiveness of Canada.

While our lesson material may be exclusive, our learning experience is definitely inclusive. We respect, value, and appreciate our cultural differences. We believe that those who choose to move to Canada or who have already done so contribute to our communities in many ways, and you’re welcome here.